SEEDD Record Data Acquisition
Object Title: Mosaic of Dionysos
Entered: 10/12/2016
Scribe: KSB
SEEDD Inventory #: RS.ZA.FR.2016.0044
Country: Serbia (RS)
Province: Zaječar (ZA)
Site: Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad)
Pleiades ID# and Canonical URI: 207395,*
Roman Province: Dacia Ripensis
Set #: N/A
AKA Inventory #: N/A
AKA Title: Mosaic of Dionysos
Findspot: In situ
Findspot Description:
Found at the Palace of Felix Romuliana within the triclinium (hall D1 – 7) at the threshold of the entrance. The mosaic was found placed into the floor of the large room. It is now on display at the National Museum located in Zaječar.
Findspot Attestation: Zivic: 133
GPS/Spatial ID#: TBD
Medium: Mosaic
Material: Marble Tiles
Object Description:
Mosaic of Dionysos found at the threshold of the Triclinium of Felix Romuliana. Made of variegated marble tiles. God Dionysos with drinking vessel in hand, sitting with a leopard and holding a staff.
Date: 298 CE – early 4th century CE
Patron: Imperial: Galerius (Emperor, 305 – 311 AD)
Production Marks: N/A
Iconography: The god Dionysos
General Photo:

Select Bibliography:
Burton, Henry Fairfield. “The Worship of the Roman Emperors.” The Biblical World, vol. 40,
no. 2, 1912, pp. 80–91. <>
Dunbabin, Katherine M. Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World. Cambridge University Press,
1999. Print.
Wasson, Donald. L. “Diocletian.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2 Feb. 2014. Web. 20 Nov.
2016 <>.
Živić, Maja. “Artistic Achievements in the Imperial Palace.” Belgrade, 2011. pp. 107-139.
Key Words:
Felix Romuliana